If you need to put your boat in a boatyard for the upcoming winter, it is important that you get it ready properly. This allows you to get the boat back out in the spring ready to go. You also need to be careful about the boatyard you choose. To help you get started, below are some tips on getting the boat ready as well as things you should look for when choosing the boatyard:
Get Boat Ready
If there is any water in the tanks you need to drain it from them. Put antifreeze in all heaters. If you have not changed the engine oil frequently you should change it now. Along with the engine oil change the filter, and lube. You also need to winterize the air conditioner on your boat.
If you plan to store your boat on land you will need to remove the batteries on your boat. Before you remove the batteries charge them first so they are at full charge, and then store the batteries in a dry place.
To prevent the fuel from becoming contaminated, fill up the fuel tank with gas. This will prevent water from getting into the fuel. This is important as this water will lead to condensation building up inside the fuel tank. Purchase fuel stabilizer at a boat supply store and put the stabilizer into the fuel tank. This will prevent the fuel from gumming up.
If you have any type of electrics on your boat that can be removed, such as fish finders, GPS systems, etc., you should remove them before putting your boat in storage. Purchase a spray protective film and spray all wiring connections left on the boat.
Spray mold prevention on the carpeting and any other visible areas. You can purchase this mold preventer at auto parts or boat stores.
Choose a Boatyard
You do not need to keep your boat in a slip sitting in water at the boatyard. Instead, it should be removed and put in covered storage. To make things easy for you, there are some boatyards that will provide you with this storage. This way your boat will stay close and make it easy for you when it is time to take it out of storage in the spring.
The boatyard should also have a repair facility, along with mechanics on staff that can repair any problems you may have with the boat while in storage or anytime during the year. If you use diesel gas in your boat, the boatyard should have experience working with boats that take diesel gas.
If your boat is still under warranty call the dealership and ask them if there are any requirements that you must follow when storing your boat.
If the boatyard provides winter storage, they should be able to help you get your boat ready. This is very helpful if you do not have the knowledge to do this on your own.
Talk to a boatyard like South Park Marina about this information to help you choose the boatyard that would work best for you.